A Word from the Principal

I have the great honour of introducing the Asian Christian College of Theology (ACCOT) as a unique theological institution. ACCOT was born out of obedience to the great burden that the Lord gave in our hearts to train the servants of God with the wholesome Word of God for His glorious ministry.

It is often said that we are living in the great day of opportunity when it comes to evangelizing the world with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. ACCOT is the best place for those who want to grab this opportunity for the Lord’s work. We provide training in every area of Christian work: Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist, and Missionary. We seek to provide academic excellence with sound biblical doctrine and practical application. ACCOT is committed to making a difference in the lives of the students by creating an environment for the formation of godly character in each student. We place strong emphasis on devotion to the local church along with a Christocentric and Theocentric grounding, motivating the student to be involved in soul winning, evangelization, and planting churches around the globe.

ACCOT thrives to be the best theological college in the Asian continent. ACCOT stands for biblical doctrines with a Bible-centred curriculum, committed to orthodoxy, pre-tribulation and pre-millennial theology.

The committed and learned faculty of ACCOT help the institution to cling to sound doctrines of the word of God. Our goal is not only academic excellence, but also to commit the living Word of God to faithful men and women who will be able to teach others also (2 Timothy 2:2).

The decision to attend Bible College is one of the most important decisions in the life of many who really want to be in God’s service. ACCOT is an institution that stands firmly on the Word of God, with an ecclesiology that stresses on the importance of the local church, striving earnestly to provide quality education at an affordable cost. Our world is in desperate need of men and women who are committed to Christ and trained in sharing His gospel in God’s Word in a context relevant, not just in the 21st century, but specifically to Indian and other Asian cultures.

“ACCOT is not for everyone but every committed believer can be a part of ACCOT”

In His Service,

Dr. Roy P. Kuruvilla.


ACCOT is more than just a college for academics. Our courses are holistic and practical. We strive for a balance between the academic study of God’s Word and hands-on ministry experience. We equip everyday people to become able ministers of the Gospel.

Our programme consists of a 3-year bachelor’s degree with a focus on practical ministry. For those who believe they are called to full-time ministry, our Leadership Training department plans annual trips providing ample opportunities in practicing skills acquired.

ACCOT offers the ideal environment for transformation, as your mind is renewed by the Word of God. For some, these three years may be to restore their lives and their faith as they discover their true identity in Christ. Whether you attend to know what Gods calling is for you, or develop sound theology, or develop their own personal knowledge of and relationship with the Lord, studying at ACCOT is a life changing experience.

“Our vision is to see many students from all over the world trained and equipped to teach the scriptures, through the study of the Word of God and practical hands-on ministry training.”

Key Values of ACCOT

  1. Love: The love of Christ compels us to follow Him and we show our love for Christ by loving our neighbour
  2. Humility: We approach one another in Christ-like humility seeking to serve the interests of Christ by seeking the interests of others
  3. Freedom: We seek to enjoy the freedom we have in Christ, not to live by the flesh but to use our God-given individuality for the service of others
  4. Prayer: We seek to be a praying community, always seeking the guidance and power of God to see His glory in our work
  5. Word of God: We look to the inspired and inerrant Word of God as the authority for faith and practice